Youth Activities of Stillwater is a voluntary group with the hope of providing a single website to obtain information relating to all the opportunities and organizations that are available to the Stillwater youth. This is a non-profit, non-exclusive group, and we encourage any group or organization with interest to contact us for more information.
It is our hope to create a comprehensive list of all available activities, including calendars, registration information, and making that list of items available to any parent interested in getting their kids involved in activities in and around the Stillwater area.
Whether you are new to Stillwater or have been here your entire life, too often parents are asking themselves "What is available for my child?" or "Where can I go to find out information on activities for my son or daughter?". Hopefully, YAS and StillwaterYouth.Com can become that single website to answer those questions and direct you to the appropriate location you need to find more information.

Lake McMcMurtry
Showstoppers Dance Studio
Stillwater Area Sports
Stillwater Martial Arts
Stillwater Soccer Club
Stillwater YMCA
Thriller Dance Studio
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Stillwater, OK
Presented by the Youth Activities of Stillwater, a non-profit group of businesses and individuals serving the Stillwater and surrounding area.